Research Article

Removal of Nonmyrmecochorous Seeds by Ants: Role of Ants in Cattle Grasslands

Table 4

Description of ant species carrying seeds. Body length of workers and its incidence in baits and seed depots (SDs) were recorded, as the seed species they removed. The body length of workers was measured from the posterior margin of clypeus to the posterior end of the last petiole.

Ant speciesWorkers body length (mm)PresenceSeed species removed
In baits %In SD %P. dulceG. ulmifoliaP. ligularis

Atta cephalotes12.36 ±
Ectatomma ruidum5.52 ± 0.1236.735.0XX
Solenopsis geminata2.12 ± 0.0141.716.7X
Cyphomyrmex major1.85 ± 0.116.736.7X
Pheidole susannae1.67 ± 0.0120.010.0XX
Crematogaster abstinens1.58 ± 0.2141.740.8XX