Research Article

Pollination Requirements and the Foraging Behavior of Potential Pollinators of Cultivated Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.) Trees in Central Amazon Rainforest

Table 3

Bee relative abundance, mean number (± standard error: SE) of flowers visited per tree by ten bee species and mean time (± standard error: SE), in seconds, spent by twelve bee species per visit to flowers of Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) variety 609, under cultivation in the Amazon rainforest ( : number of bees recorded per species).

SpeciesRelative abundanceNumber of flower visits per treeTime spent per flower visit
(%)n . n .

Xylocopa frontalis62.85136 abc64 bcd
Centris denudans6.8435 bc64 bcd
Centris americana1.114 cd
Centris ferruginea0.553 c31 cd
Eulaema meriana6.6517 a57 bc
Eulaema mocsaryi 12.2072 abc48 bc
Eulaema mocsaryi (male)9 abc55 d
Epicharis conica3.888 c7 bcd
Epicharis flava0.377 bc45 bcd
Epicharis zonata0.929 c3 a
Eufrisea flaviventris0.376 abc58 d
Eufrisea purpurata0.744 bcd
Bombus tranversalis3.513 abc42 a

*Values followed by the same letters are not significantly different ( ; ANOVA).