Research Article

Age Differences in the Association of Severe Psychological Distress and Behavioral Factors with Heart Disease

Table 1

Subjects characteristics using 2005 California Health Interview Survey ( ).

VariablesCases Controls
(weighted %) (weighted %)

SPD and behavioral factors
  No3263 (92%)36305 (96%)
  Yes230 (8%)1308 (4%)
 Smoking status
  Never1521 (45%)21663 (62%)
  Current412 (12%)5371 (15%)
  Past1607 (43%)10669 (23%)
 Binge drink
  No3297 (92%)32088 (82%)
  Yes243 (8%)5615 (18%)
 Physical activity
  No2670 (76%)25514 (68%)
  Yes870 (24%)12189 (32%)
  No2636 (74%)30143 (79%)
  Yes904 (26%)7560 (21%)
Demographic and other factors
  Male1647 (52%)15128 (49%)
  Female1893 (48%)22575 (51%)
 Age group
  18–44 years271 (13%)15349 (57%)
  45–64 years 1128 (34%)14966 (31%)
  65 years or older2141 (53%)7388 (12%)
  No2703 (73%)16272 (38%)
  Yes837 (27%)21431 (62%)
  White2915 (68%)26064 (53%)
  Latino268 (15%)6101 (28%)
  Asian211 (11%)3730 (13%)
  African American146 (6%)1808 (6%)
 Poverty level
  300% FPL or above 1947 (51%)23400 (56%)
  0–99% FPL367 (13%)3654 (13%)
  100–199% FPL689 (21%)5899 (18%)
  200–299% FPL537 (15%)4750 (13%)

SPD: serious psychological distress; FPL: federal poverty level.