Clinical Study

Cognitive Impairment Affects Physical Recovery of Patients with Heart Failure Undergoing Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation

Table 2

Logistic regression analysis evaluating the independent predictor power of CI (MMSE < 24) in the overall population, and according to gender.

MMSE 16–23  
versus MMSE 24–30
Odds ratio  
(95% CI)

Overall population
 Unadjusted model2.21 (1.62–2.55)<0.001
 Adjusted model1.84 (1.50–2.18)0.024
 Unadjusted model1.5 (0.98–1.91)0.036
 Adjusted model1.20 (0.87–1.52)0.354
 Unadjusted model1.76 (1.30–2.07)0.031
 Adjusted model1.42 (1.22–1.75)0.047

Adjusted for LV ejection fraction, diabetes, age, atrial fibrillation, creatinine, and haemoglobin.