Research Article

A Comparison between Two Instruments for Assessing Dependency in Daily Activities: Agreement of the Northwick Park Dependency Score with the Functional Independence Measure

Table 4

Commonality of items in the FIM and the NPDS.


FIM motorBasic care needs
Self-care Feeding
  Eating  Eating
  Enteral feeding
Washing, bathing, dressing
  Grooming  Washing and grooming
  Dressing upper body  Dressing
  Dressing lower body
 Continence  Continence
  Bladder  Toileting-bladder
  Bowel  Urinary incontinence
  Faecal incontinence
Transfers Mobility and transfers
  Bed, chair, wheelchair  Mobility
  Toilet  Transfers
  Tub, shower
  Walk, wheelchair
FIM social/cognitiveSafety, communication, behavior
  Skin pressure relief
  Safety awareness
Communication   Communication
Social cognition
  Social interaction  Behavior
  Problem solving
  MemorySpecial nursing needs
 Open wound requiring dressing
 Requires 2 interventions at night
 Requires psychological support
 In isolation (e.g., for MRSA screening)
 Acute medical/surgical intervention
 Needs one-to-one “specializing”