Research Article

Utility Values for Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma Health States from the General Public in the United Kingdom

Table 3

Mean utilities (95% confidence intervals) for ASTS health states, stratified by respondents’ cancer status and elicitation method.

Mean utilities (95% confidence intervals) for
Progressive diseaseStable diseasePartial responseComplete response

Utilities elicited using TTO
 Whole cohort0.30 (0.26; 0.34)0.43 (0.39; 0.47)0.51 (0.47; 0.55)0.60 (0.57; 0.64)
 Respondents with cancer0.16 (0.06; 0.27)*0.26 (0.17; 0.35)**0.34 (0.25; 0.44)***0.48 (0.36; 0.60)****
 Respondents without cancer0.31 (0.26; 0.35)*0.44 (0.40; 0.49)**0.53 (0.48; 0.57)***0.61 (0.58; 0.65)****
Utilities elicited using SG
 Whole cohort0.17 (0.14; 0.19)0.31 (0.29; 0.34)0.43 (0.40; 0.45)0.51 (0.49; 0.53)
 Respondents with cancer0.07 (0.01; 0.12)0.21 (0.15; 0.28)††0.32 (0.25; 0.39)†††0.42 (0.34; 0.50)††††
 Respondents without cancer0.18 (0.14; 0.21)0.32 (0.30; 0.35)††0.44 (0.41; 0.46)†††0.52 (0.49; 0.54)††††

* ; ** ; *** ; **** ; ; †† ; ††† ; †††† .