Research Article

Osteosarcoma in Pediatric Patients and Young Adults: A Single Institution Retrospective Review of Presentation, Therapy, and Outcome

Figure 2

The YA cohort received less chemotherapy than the typical pediatric regimen. (a) Heat map for the YA cohort’s chemotherapy regimen, with each column representing 1 patient. The green squares indicate that the patient received the typical dose according to pediatric osteosarcoma protocols. The red squares indicate that the patient received fewer doses than the typical pediatric dose. Asterisks ( ) indicate patients who progressed on primary therapy. Light green box indicates patient who received etoposide/ifosfamide instead of cisplatin. (b) Percentage of patients in the YA cohort that received each dose of chemotherapy. The black bars indicate the typical dose of each drug for pediatric patients. The percentages shown indicate the percentage of patients in the YA cohort that received less than the typical dose.