Clinical Study

The Neural Correlates of Mental Rotation Abilities in Cannabis-Abusing Patients with Schizophrenia: An fMRI Study

Table 1

Sociodemographic and clinical data.

Control group ( )SCZ group ( )DD group ( )

Age (years)30.3 (7.9)32.6 (8.4)30.9 (11.5)
Education level (years)18.0 (2.9)**11.1 (2.9)10.0 (1.9)
Parental SES2.4 (1.1)**2.9 (0.7)*3.8 (1.2)
 Age of onset (years)20.8 (4.6)20.3 (4.4)
 Duration of illness (years)11.9 (9.0)10.6 (12.2)
 Total medication (mg/day)568 (276)553 (392)
 PANSS positive17.1 (4.7)16.4 (6.0)
 PANSS negative19.9 (6.2)18.9 (5.3)
 PANSS general37.3 (5.2)32.5 (8.7)
 Calgary Depression Scale3.7 (2.1)3.8 (4.1)
 Antipsychotics risperidone (6),
quetiapine (3),
olanzapine (6),
clozapine (5)
risperidone (7),
quetiapine (4),
olanzapine (3),
clozapine (1),
typical (2)

DD: dualdiagnosis; SCZ: schizophrenia; SES: socioeconomic status; total medication is in chlorpromazine equivalents; (SD in parentheses); ; .