Research Article

Age-Related Yield of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Bearing the Low-Affinity Nerve Growth Factor Receptor

Figure 2

Representative results of flow cytometry analysis are shown for samples of 3 × 105 CD271+ ADSCs passage 1 from a 42-year-old donor. (a) The CD271+ ADSC population indicated with gage P1 comprises 75.4% of the 10,000 events analyzed. (b) Histogram showing that 73% of cells from gage P1 yield positive for the CD271-APC receptor. (c) Histogram depicting that the CD271+ ADSC population is negative for CD45-FITC receptor. (d) Histogram demonstrating that the CD271+ ADSC population is positive for the CD105-PE receptor. (e) The histogram shows that 87% of the CD271+ ADSC population is positive for the CD34-PE. (f) Histogram demonstrating that 97% of the CD271+ ADSC population yields positive for the CD90-FITC receptor.