Research Article

Dynamic Support Culture of Murine Skeletal Muscle-Derived Stem Cells Improves Their Cardiogenic Potential In Vitro

Figure 1

Isolation of MDSCs from neonatal murine skeletal muscles. (a) Total number of nonadherent cells (per g of muscle tissue) and ratios of nonadherent cells (b) during three preplating steps (pP1–pP3). Panels (c–f) show representative images of nonadherent cells during the preplating procedure: before plating (pP0, (c)), 2 hours (pP1, (d)), 26 hours (pP2, (e)), and 74 hours (pP3, (f)) after plating. Scale: 100 μm. (g) Flow cytometric assessment of cardiac and skeletal muscle specific markers for cells from ISH0 cell population ().