Research Article

Dynamic Support Culture of Murine Skeletal Muscle-Derived Stem Cells Improves Their Cardiogenic Potential In Vitro

Figure 2

Characteristics of cell clusters derived from MDSCs. (a) Representative phase contrast microphotographs of cell clusters from different cell culture conditions. While single contracting cells and smaller clusters were visible in ISH0 cultures, most cells were organized in clusters of loosely attached cells applying static (I) and dynamic (S and H) culture conditions at day 12 of cultivation (I12, S12, and H12). Scale: 100 μm. (b) Average sizes of clusters in initial ISH0 cell populations and after twelve days applying different culture conditions. . (c) Total numbers of nonadherent cells obtained from muscles of 10 neonatal mice over the course of 12 days applying different culture conditions (). (d) Ratios of nonadherent cells over the course of 12 days applying different culture conditions ().