Research Article

Satellite Cells CD44 Positive Drive Muscle Regeneration in Osteoarthritis Patients

Figure 5

Molecular analysis of BMP-2 expression. In order to verify the correlation between BMP-2 and satellite cells activity we performed both western blot and immune-gold analysis. In muscle biopsies of OA patients we found several large satellite cells syncytium (arrows) (a). High magnifications show immunolabeling for BMP-2 in perinuclear areas (squares) (40.000x) (b). BMP-2 molecules were expressed in the satellite cells syncytium cytoplasm (squares) and next to mitochondria (insert) (40.000 and 60.000x) (c). Numerous BMP-2 molecules were found in the fiber body (40.000x) (d). OP patients do not express BMP-2 in satellite cells (10.000x and 40.000x) ((e)-(f)).