Research Article

Ultrasound-Targeted Microbubble Destruction Improves the Migration and Homing of Mesenchymal Stem Cells after Myocardial Infarction by Upregulating SDF-1/CXCR4: A Pilot Study

Figure 6

MSC labeling and the distribution of GFP-MSCs in the MI area. (a) MSCs were labeled with GFP; green fluorescence could be observed in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of almost all MSCs under a laser scanning confocal microscope. (b) GFP-positive cells of the MSC group and the MSC + UM group were distributed in MI areas 2 days after transplantation. (c) Quantification of the number of GFP-positive cells in the MSC group and the MSC + UM group. The scale bars represent 75 μm. All values are expressed as the mean ± SD. versus MSC group; .