Research Article

The Novel Methods for Analysis of Exosomes Released from Endothelial Cells and Endothelial Progenitor Cells

Figure 1

Characterization of EC-EXs and EPC-EXs. (a) Representative NTA plot showing the size distribution of 100 nm and 200 nm polystyrene beads. (b) Representative NTA plots show size/concentration distribution of particles in the EX-depleted EC and EPC medium and of EC-EXs and EPC-EXs. Black solid line: 100 nm landmark; black dash line: 200 nm landmark. (c) TEM micrographs of EXs. (d) Representative western blot bands showing the expression of CD63, CD105, and CD34 in EXs and their corresponding parent cells, ECs and EPCs. (e) The correlation between EXs and their protein concentration.