Research Article

Hepatic Stellate Cell-Derived Microvesicles Prevent Hepatocytes from Injury Induced by APAP/H2O2

Figure 2

HSC-MVs increased the proliferation of HL-7702 and BRL-3A. (a) Proliferation of APAP or H2O2-treated BRL-3A cocultured with . (b) Proliferation of APAP or H2O2-treated HL-7702 cocultured with . versus vehicle, APAP; refers to M-HSC-MVs versus vehicle, H2O2; #, ## versus treatment control, APAP; , versus positive control, H2O2; refers to M-HSC-MVs versus L-HSC-MVs, APAP; refers to M-HSC-MVs versus L-HSC-MVs, H2O2; versus M-HSC-MVs, APAP; versus M-HSC-MVs, ; /group; ~ represents < 0.05 versus L-HSC-MVs, APAP; & represents < 0.05 versus L-HSC-MVs, H2O2.