Review Article

Insights into the Biology and Therapeutic Applications of Neural Stem Cells

Table 1

Molecular regulators of NSC in adult SGZ and SVZ. Summary of molecular regulators of adult NSC, grouped into ligands, neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, epigenetic, cell cycle regulators, and transcription factors.

Molecule/regulatorKey findingRef

 NotchActivation promotes quiescence[9, 10]
 BmpActivation promotes quiescence[1113]
 WntPromotes NSC symmetric division[14]
 Tgf-Promotes quiescence and survival[15]

 NpyInduces proliferation, migration, and differentiation of NSC[1619]

 GABAMaintains adult NSC quiescence[20]

 Chd7Maintains adult NSC quiescence[21]
 Dnmt1/3aIncreased expression in differentiating NSC; upregulation favours neurogenic fate[22, 23]
 Gadd45Required for expression of extrinsic factors from mature granule neurons that modulate neurogenesis[24]
 Hdac2Required for NSC differentiation and appropriate expression of progenitor markers[25]
 MbdLoss-of-function reduces neurogenesis[26]
 Tet1Positively regulates NSC proliferation[27]

Cell cycle regulators
 p21Maintains quiescence and negatively regulates SOX2 expression[28, 29]
 p27Maintains quiescence[30]
 p57Maintains quiescence [31, 32]

Transcription factors
 Foxo3Maintenance of progenitor cells and quiescence[33, 34]
 Ascl1Controls neuron fate commitment; overexpression produces oligodendrocytes[3538]
 NfixMaintains NSC quiescence in vitro[39]
 Pax6Maintenance of NSCs[40]
 Sox2Maintains NSC self-renewal through Shh signalling[41, 42]
 Tbr2Required for generation of Intermediate Progenitors in DG[43]
 TlxRequired for NSC self-renewal through WNT and neuron fate commitment through Mash1[36, 44, 45]
 RestMaintenance of NSC[46]