Review Article

Kinome Profiling

Figure 1

Principle of kinome profiling using peptide arrays. (a) A peptide array consists of peptide consensus motifs for the different kinases in human genome. As an example, the consensus sequences of three different kinases are shown (ISS kinase, MAP kinase, and GS kinase). When incubated with a lysate containing active MAP kinase and radiolabelled ATP, the MAP kinase consensus motif will be phosphorylated with radiolabelled phosphate by MAP kinase without concomitant phosphorylation of the other motifs. Thus, all kinases can be assayed in parallel. (b) We employed this situation to compare phosphorylation patterns by lysates made from B cells from different species and we observed that these patterns were highly similar between species. Furthermore comparison to other cell types showed that phosphorylation of kinase substrates is cell-type restricted and not species restricted and that the divergence in kinase primary sequence between the species is not reflected in differences in substrate phosphorylation.