Research Article

Characteristic Processes in Close Peer Friendships of Preterm Infants at Age 12

Table 1

Sequence of dyad play session activities.

ActivityAimDyadic processesNumber of trials and total time

1. Modified perfection
To fit as many pieces as possible into the corresponding matrix holes before clicking timer stopped and “popped” the pieces from the spring loaded board. The more pieces fitted within 45 seconds, the more points earned. If the board popped, no points were earned.The dyad decide when to stop the timer by pushing a switch before the platform popped, thus earning points.
Observed: playfulness and humor, negotiation, and willingness to compete against each other.
4 trials; 4 minutes (2 trials-dyad worked together for equal points; 2 trials-dyad played individually)

2. Nintendo 64 “diddy kong racing”Dyad raced each other to the finish line using steering wheel controllers. Encouraged to capture “bananas” along the race routes to earn points. Each player could simultaneously play and view the other’s progress on a split screen.Dyad decide whether to individually earn points or pool their racing “bananas” for both players to earn 1 point and/or earn 5 points by crossing the finish line. This was a “Prisoner’s Dilemma” or bargaining task. Observed: competition, cooperation, attention to task versus friend, affect intensity, and conversation about the game.2 trials, 13 minutes (1 trial practice; 1 trial race competition)

3. Modified connect 4
With a set of red, black, and white checkers, and the vertical plastic grid, the dyad took turns to make “connect 4” or letter the “T”. Points earned: 2 points for each Connect Four of their own; 3 points for each “T” made together with the white checkers.
Forced choice activity in which dyad must decide whether to play by taking turns and connecting four red or black checker pieces vertically, horizontally, or diagonally or to work cooperatively with their partner to make the letter “T” with the white checkers. Observed: negotiation, competition, conflict, and whether the dyad had equal influence or authority over the other.2 trials, 10 minutes (dyadic choice made at start of each trial)

4. Puzzle task [13]
A challenging 100-piece jigsaw puzzle to complete by dyad within short time. Dyad told that only a few twosomes, listed on a winner’s chart, had completed the puzzle within the time. They were challenged to beat the record. Points earned: 2 points for both players and their names added to the “winner’s chart”.Observed: cooperation, pursuit of common goal, leadership, division of power, and ability to sustain task focus.1 trial, 12 minutes

5. Share a snack [12, 13] Dyad invited to make and share ice cream sundaes, and then cleanup. A small cart contained bowls, spoons, ice cream, sprinkles, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce was provided. Later cleaning supplies were given.Observed: casual, unstructured conversation, social behaviors (serving a friend, social talk, and gossip), intimacy of the friendship, willingness to self-disclose, recounting of shared experiences, and initiative or teamwork in cleanup.1 trial, 12 minutes