Research Article

Impact of Organic and Conventional Systems of Coffee Farming on Soil Properties and Culturable Microbial Diversity

Table 1

Organic and conventional method of coffee farming on soil physical and chemical properties.

Management systemsEC (dSm−1)pH (1 : 2)BD (g/cm3)WHC (%)Soil organic carbon (%)Available N (kg/ha)Available P (kg/ha)Available K (kg/ha)

CD (0.05)0.0030.0140.1160.0410.040.0452.87NS0.1460.14612.34NS4.682.548.577.78
CD (0.01)0.0050.0220.1820.0650.062NS4.51NS0.2290.24519.35NS7.343.9813.4512.21

All the values are mean of 5 replications.
EC: electrical conductivity; BD: bulk density; WHC: water holding capacity.
SEm: standard error of mean; CD: critical difference; NS: nonsignificant.
Superscript letters indicate statistical significance following Tukey multiple comparison tests.