Research Article

MSFA: Multiple System Fingerprint Attack Scheme for IoT Anonymous Communication

Algorithm 1

Filter class code implementation.
(1) class Filter
(2) public:
//Defines the storage server IP address; server_ips
(3) unordered_set <string> server_ips;
//Defines the storage client IP address: client_ips
(4) unordered_set <string> client_ips;
//Defines the maximum port that needs to be processed
//Defines the minimum port that needs to be processed
(7) public:
(8) Filter(char clientipfname, char serveripfname, int portmin, int portmax);
//Read the IP function
(9) int read_ips(unordered_set<string>&set, char fname);
//Determines whether the file loads the function
(10) bool is_onload(u_char payload);
//Determine whether the traffic function is listening
(11) bool is_monitoredtraffic(char src, unsigned int sport, char dst, unsigned int dport);
//Implement the transformation function for the data
(12) RETparse_one(char capfname, int proxy_port_min, intproxy_port_max, int remove_ack,
char monitoredoutname, char localoutname, char c2stau, char s2ctau, char timeseq);
(13) ;