Research Article

Association of Plasma Homocysteine with Self-Reported Sleep Apnea Is Confounded by Age: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2006

Figure 1

Prevalence of diagnosed, self-reported sleep apnea in the NHANES 2005-2006 dataset based on gender and quartiles of plasma homocysteine and RBC folate. The plot on the left is not standardized for age while the plot on the right shows age-standardized rates. Prevalence rates are shown as horizontal bars, and the estimates are indicated by the value at the right side of the plots. Error bars indicate the 95% confidence interval for the prevalence rates. Prevalence rates are shown for all subjects (red bars), females only (blue bars) and males only (green bars). Range of values for plasma homocysteine and RBC folate represented by their respective quartiles is described in text. HCY: plasma homocysteine; RBF: RBC folate.