Research Article

Screening Sleep Disordered Breathing in Stroke Unit

Table 1

Sleep stage parameters of the PSG group with the two different scoring systems.

Standard scoringEOG scoring value
Median (min–max)Median (min–max)

TST (min)321 (48.5–506.5)353.5 (49.5–498.5)0.051
SEI (%)72.2 (42–90.9)69.1 (42.9–89.4)0.48
% N112.8 (6.5–41.2)15.4 (6.8–48.5) 0.068
% N269.5 (36.1–83.2)66.2 (37.4–82.4)0.33
% N37.0 (0–23.6)5.9 (0–17.7)0.17
% REM11.2 (0–22.3)12.9 (0–25.4)0.61

Standard scoring: sleep stage scoring according to the standard rules; EOG scoring: sleep stage scoring based on the two EOG (electrooculography) channels only; TST: total sleep time; SEI: sleep efficiency index referred to analysis time; % N1–N3: percentage of N1–N3 sleep referred to TST; % REM: percentage of REM sleep referred to TST. Statistical comparisons with the Wilcoxon test.