Clinical Study

Validation of the CPAP Habit Index-5: A Tool to Understand Adherence to CPAP Treatment in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Table 4

Homogeneity and factor structure among items of the CPAP Habit Index-5 after 6 months of CPAP use ( )1.

ItemsInteritem correlationsFactor analysis

(1) Using the CPAP nightly is part of my routines a normal week0.818b0.9360.124
(2) A special reason is needed if I'm not going to use the CPAP during a normal night0.585***0.955b0.7000.511
(3) I have used the CPAP nightly for a long time0.887***0.591***0.918b0.9180.157
(4) It feels weird not to use the CPAP during a normal night0.696***0.421***0.710***0.896b0.8220.324
(5) I use the CPAP more or less automatically during a normal night0.929***0.593***0.846***0.753***0.792b0.9550.088
Explained variance0.759
Bartlett test of sphericity (10) = 510.1, <0.001
Cronbach’s 0.915
Cronbach’s 95% CIa0.878/0.941

Bias-corrected (based on bootstrapping with 1000 replications)
bMeasure of sampling adequacy.
One participant excluded according to missing data in item no 3.