Research Article

Relationship of Routine Inadequate Sleep Duration and Periodontitis in a Nationally Representative Sample

Table 2

Bivariate relationships with periodontitis, NHANES 2009–2012.

PeriodontitisNoYes value
wt row%wt row%

Adequate sleep<.0001
 <7 hours60948.687551.4
 7 or more hours103755.0121945.0
Age groups<.0001
 30 to less than 45 years83769.650430.4
 45 to less than 55 years39449.955150.1
 55 years and above41535.4103964.6
 Non-Hispanic White91457.387642.3
 Non-Hispanic Black24541.242658.8
 Mexican American21233.446466.6
 HS graduate/less61040.4123159.6
 Some coll/tech/more103360.785739.3
Number of missing teeth<.0001
 More than 208325.125874.9
Federal Poverty Level Index<.0001
 0 to less than 1.2531235.762764.3
 1.25 to less than 2.0022844.335555.7
 2.00 to less than 4.0039349.851350.2
 4.00 and above57364.638914.7
Insurance coverage<.0001

Abbreviations: NHANES-National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys; = number of participants; wt% = weighted percentage; HS = high school; coll = college; tech = technical school.