Clinical Study

Residual Prolapse in Patients with III-IV Degree Haemorrhoids Undergoing Stapled Haemorrhoidopexy with CPH34 HV: Results of an Italian Multicentric Clinical Study

Table 2

Intra- and early postoperative findings ( patients).


Operative time, minutes
 Mean (SD)26.1 (6.9)
Prolapse involving more than half of the length CAD
Type of Prolapsectomy
 Traditional “Stapled Anopexy”39491.6
  “Parachute” Technique368.4
Haemostatic stitches,
 Mean (SD)1.3 (1.7)
Technical failures of the device10.2
Associate procedures, (%)16839.0
 Skin Tags Excision7343.4
 Anal Fissure5331.4
Hospital stay, days
 Mean (SD)1.6 (1.0)
Early post-operative complications6214.4
 Anal pain  (spontaneous/Postdefecation)286.5
 Acute urinary retention51.2
 Thrombosed haemorrhoids10.2
Re-operation (within 30 days)20.4

SD: Standard Deviation.