Research Article

Leakage after Surgery for Rectum Cancer: Inconsistency in Reporting to the Danish Colorectal Cancer Group

Table 1

Core question about fluid collection, rectovaginal fistula, drainage, and watchful waiting.

QuestionYesNo Always   Some times Never
%%% %%

6Do you report patients to DCCG with a fluid collection in the small pelvis as a leakage - regardless of the patients has a radiologic or endoscopic proven leakage?539861

7Do you report patients to DCCG with rectovaginal fistula as a leakage?862538

8Do you use drainage close to the anastomosis?431538431If always or sometimes the responder was asked to answer question 9

9Do you report patients with air, pus or faeces in the drain as a leakage if no leakage is shown by reoperation, radiology or endoscopy?556444

22Do you occasionally use watchful waiting in patients suspicious of anastomotic leakage?754646If yes the responder was asked to answer question 23

23Do you report watchful waiting patients to the DCCG database as a leakage?686114