Research Article

Management Outcome and Factors Associated with Pediatric Surgical Patient Admitted to Arbaminch General Hospital, Southern Ethiopia, 2021: Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression showing factors associated with the management outcome of pediatric surgical patients’ admission to Arbaminch General Hospital from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2020 (n = 265).

VariablesManagement outcomesCOR (95% CI)-valueAOR (95% CI)-value

 ≤478 (67.2%)38 (32.8%)2.095 (0.951–4.615)0.0662.223 (0.761–6.491)0.144
 5–947 (83.9%)9 (16.1%)0.823 (0.306–2.218)0.7010.821 (0.239–2.824)0.754
 10–1427 (67.5%)13 (32.5%)2.070 (0.797–5.378)0.1352.924 (0.388-10.207)0.093
 ≥1543 (81.1%)10 (18.9%)1

 Male106 (67.5%)51 (32.5%)0.444 (0.244–0.806)0.0080.739 (0.326–1.676)0.469
 Female89 (82.4%)19 (17.6%)1

 Rural102 (66.7%)51 (33.3%)2.447 (1.347–4.446)0.0031.841 (0.835–4.060)0.130
 Urban93 (83.0%)19 (17.0%)1

Form of admission
 Emergency base122 (70.1%)52 (29.9%)0.579 (0.315–1.064)0.0780.840 (0.358–1.970)0.688
 Elective base73 (80.2%)18 (19.8%)1

Admission diagnosis
 Trauma cause54 (54.5%)45 (45.5%)4.700 (2.629–8.402)0.0005.753 (2.366–13.987)0.000
 Nontrauma141 (84.9%)25 (15.1%)1

Any preexisting medical condition
 Yes32 (47.8%)35 (52.2%)5.094 (2.788–9.306)0.0003.240 (1.436–7.310)0.005

No163 (82.3%)35 (17.7%)1

Nutritional status
 Well-nourished167 (81.9%)37 (18.1%)1
 Mall-nourished28 (45.9%)33 (54.1%)0.188 (0.101–0.348)0.0000.555 (0.237–1.296)0.174

Any early complication
 Yes65 (56.5%)50 (43.5%)5.094 (2.788–9.306)0.0002.515 (1.130–5.599)0.024
 No130 (86.7%)20 (13.3%)1

Duration of time before the presentation
 <24 hr39 (90.7%)4 (9.3%)1
 ≥24 hr156 (70.3%)66 (29.7%)4.125 (1.417–12.008)0.0098.351 (2.089–33.381)0.003

LOS (length of hospital stays)
 <7 days52 (98.1%)1 (1.9%)1
 ≥7 days143 (67.5%)69 (32.5%)25.091 (3.397–185.299)0.00210.671 (1.363–83.546)0.024

Hospital management
 Surgical120 (69.0%)54 (31.0%)2.109 (1.126–3.953)0.0202.742 (1.137–6.611)0.025
 Conservative75 (82.4%)16 (17.6%)1

Note. COR = crude odds ratio, AOR = adjusted odds ratio, CI = confidence interval, LOS = length of hospital stay, and -value <0.05.