Research Article

Sleep-Wake Patterns during the Acute Phase after First-Ever Stroke

Table 1

Characteristics of the sample ( 𝑁 = 1 1 0 ).


Sociodemographic variables
Age in years68.3(13.2)7029–91

Education 𝑁 (%)
 <12 years (high)80(73)
 ≥12 years (low)30(27)
Living in paired relationship56(50)
Working status: paid job33(30)

Stroke type
 Ischemic infarct78(70.9)
 Chronic cerebral ischemia10(14.5)
 Negative findings16(9.1)

Clinical variables
 Physical functioning
 (from SF-36), (0–100)
60.0 (33.7)700–100
 Time since admission4.6 (3.2)41–15

Context 𝑁 (%)
 Hospital all nights54(49)
 Home all nights32(29)
 Part-time hospital24(22)

Subjective sleep quality
 PSQI (0–21)6.9(3.6)60–16