Review Article

How Physically Active Are People with Stroke in Physiotherapy Sessions Aimed at Improving Motor Function? A Systematic Review

Table 4

The average amount of time spent by people with stroke engaged in different physical activity subcategories and time spent inactive in therapy sessions.

Author/yearWalking practiceSitting exercisesStanding exercisesUpper limb activitiesBed mobility/activities in lyingTransfers and sit-to-stand practiceOther therapeutic activitiesInactive time

Elson et al. 2009 [5]
Bernhardt et al. 2007 [15]
Peurala et al. 2007 [14]14.79.610.41.2NR3.714.5NR
De Wit et al. 2006 [18]
Kuys et al. 2006 [16]
Ada et al. 1999 [19]

Key: NR: not reported.
other therapeutic activities included cycling, activities in kneeling, passive movements, tonus inhibition, positioning to stretch muscles, exercising the affected lower limb in any position, selective movements including coordination, strengthening exercises, and active relaxation.
Total active time after adding up the time spent in each activity subcategory might not be the same as Table 3 due to rounding, and/or inaccuracy of data reported in the included studies.
The data from Lang et al. [17] included the number of repetitions of various physical activity subcategories, and, therefore, was not included in this table.