Research Article

The Cog-4 Subset of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale as a Measure of Cognition: Relationship with Baseline Factors and Functional Outcome after Stroke Using Data from the Virtual International Stroke Trials Archive

Table 1

Items of the NIHSS selected to form the Cog-4 cognitive scale with range 0–9.


(1b)Level of consciousness- questions [month and age]
 Answers both correctly0
 Answers one question correctly1
 Answers neither questions correctly2
(1c)Level of consciousness commands (open and close eyes; grip and release hand)
 Performs both tasks correctly0
 Performs one task correctly1
 Performs neither task correctly2
(9)Best language
 No aphasia0
 Mild to moderate aphasia1
 Severe aphasia2
 Mute and global aphasia3
(11)Extinction and inattention
 No inattention0
 Mild inattention1
 Severe inattention2