Research Article

Influence of the Generator in-Growth Time on the Final Radiochemical Purity and Stability of Radiopharmaceuticals

Table 2

pH, 99Mo, 103Ru, and 131I amounts and radiochemical purities (mean ± standard deviation) of the evaluated generators’ elutions.

Type of generatorType of elutionpH 99Mo % 103Ru % 131I %RCP %

Drytec-GE 1° eluate
36 h
48 h
72 h

Elumatic III1° eluate
36 h
48 h
72 h

E.P.4.8–8.0<0.1%<5 10−3<5 10−3≥95.0

E.P.: European pharmacopoeia; 36, 48, and 72 h indicate the time from the previous elution; the amount of 99Mo represents the % of total radioactivity in the generators’ eluates determined with “rapid method”; 103Ru (0.497 MeV) and 131I (0.365 MeV) are the most common gamma radionuclide detectable by gamma spectrometry, and in the table are reported the % of total radioactivity in the generators’ eluates.