Review Article

Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban, or Apixaban versus Warfarin in Patients with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Subgroups

Table 1

Characteristics of the studies and treatments.

Drug, trialDabigatran RE-LY [22, 48] Rivaroxaban ROCKET [23, 49]Apixaban ARISTOTLE [24, 50]

No. in sample181131426418201
Treatment characteristics
 Experimental drugDabigatran 150 mg or 110 mg twice dailyRivaroxaban 20 mg or 15 mg once dailyApixaban 5 mg or 2.5 mg twice daily
 Experimental, 1209171319120
 Control drugWarfarin dose-adjusted to INR 2-3, once dailyWarfarin dose-adjusted to INR 2-3, once dailyWarfarin dose-adjusted to INR 2-3, once daily
 Control, 602271339081
 TTR (%)
Trial phaseIIIIIIIII
Design of randomised controlled trialMulticentre, open-label
Multicentre, double-blindMulticentre, double-blind
Adjudicating committee and blinded adjudication of outcomesYesYesYes
Interim analysis, 211
Number of exclusion criteria143119
Main efficacy outcomeStroke and SEEStroke and SEEStroke and SEE
 Main analysisNon-inferiorityNon-inferiorityNon-inferiority
 Non-inferiority marginRelative risk < 1.46Relative risk < 1.46Relative risk < 1.38
 Main population of analysisIntent-to-treat Per protocolIntent-to-treat
 Main period of analysisUntil notification of study terminationOn-treatment plus 2 days Until notification of study termination
Main safety outcomeMajor bleedingClinically relevant bleedingMajor bleeding
 Main population of analysisSafety population Safety population Safety population
 Main period of analysisOn-treatment plus 6 days*On-treatment plus 2 days*On-treatment plus 2 days*
Jadad Score355
Median length follow-up (days)730707657

After treatment discontinuation.
INR: international normalised ratio; PROBE: prospective, open-label, blinded endpoint; SEE: systemic embolic events; TTR: time in therapeutic range.