Research Article

The Role of Foxp3-Expressing Regulatory T Cells and T Helpers in Immunopathogenesis of Multidrug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Table 3

Subpopulation composition of regulatory T cells of peripheral blood in patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, depending on a clinical form of the disease and sensitivity of the causative to antituberculosis drugs (%), Me (Q 1Q 3).

Groups of patientsRelative content of regulatory T-cell subpopulations
CD4+CD25+ Foxp3+CD4+CD25Foxp3+CD4+CD25+ Foxp3

Healthy donors2,635,1225,45

ITB patients DS TB 4,325,819,72
 MDR TB5,088,4116,27

DTB patients DS TB5,315,6313,71
 MDR TB4,426,7513,98

FCTB patients DS TB2,723,2519,62
 MDR TB6,8212,2717,68

Note: : the level of statistical significance of differences in comparison with features of healthy donors; : in ITB patients; : in DTB patients; : in DS TB patients.