Research Article

Tuberculin Skin Tests versus Interferon-Gamma Release Assays in Tuberculosis Screening among Immigrant Visa Applicants

Table 7

Subject characteristics associated with CXR and QFT-G discordance.

Characteristic CXR positive but QFT-G negativeCXR negative but QFT-G positive
aOR* (95% CI) aOR* (95% CI)

Age group in years
 18–20 yrs 130 8 (6.2%)1.0 24 (18.5%)1.0
 21–30 yrs 270 7 (2.6%)0.36 (0.12–1.02) 69 (25.6%)1.52 (0.90–2.55)
 31–40 yrs 279 18 (6.5%)1.02 (0.43–2.43) 72 (25.8%)1.54 (0.92–2.58)
 41–50 yrs 252 47 (18.7%)3.16 (1.44–6.95) 60 (23.8%)1.38 (0.82–2.34)
 51–64 yrs 189 64 (33.9%)7.60 (3.49–16.53) 35 (18.5%)1.004 (0.565–1.784)
 ≥65 yrs 43 20 (14.1%)13.26 (5.22–33.72) 2 (4.7%)0.215 (0.05–0.95)
Prior TB
 No 1157 160 (13.8%) 1.0 262 (22.7%)
 Yes 6 4 (66.7%)16.26 (2.42–109.33) 0 (0.0%)N.S. and NIM
Chest exam
 Normal1157 160 (13.8%) 1.0 262 (22.7%)
 Abnormal 6 4 (66.7%)20.81 (2.76–156.68) 0 (0.0%)N.S. and NIM

CXR: chest radiograph; QFT-G: QuantiFERON-TB Gold; : number in subset of ; aOR: adjusted Odd Ratio; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval; TB: tuberculosis; N.S.: Not Significant; NIM: Not in model.
*Multivariate models were created using factors with -values ≤0.2 in univariate analysis and <0.05 in stepwise logistic regression until the best fitting, parsimonious model was identified. Model fit was evaluated using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. Bold font indicates statistically significant adjusted odds ratios (aORs).
**Data from 83 subjects with indeterminate QFT-G results were excluded from analysis.