Research Article

Eating Disorders and Intrasexual Competition: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis among Young Women

Table 1

Mean scores for the General Competitiveness Scale (GCS), Female Intrasexual Competition for Mates Scale (ISC-M), Intrasexual Competition for Status Scale (ISC-S) and shortened Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI-S).

MeasureMean (SD)
š‘› = 2 0 6

GCS3.42 (1.00)
ISC-M1.92 (0.62)
ISC-S1.88 (3.52)
EDI subscales:
ā€ƒBulimia2.73 (3.52)
ā€ƒDrive for thinness5.19 (5.42)
ā€ƒPerfectionism5.55 (4.23)
ā€ƒBody dissatisfaction10.25 (6.51)

SDā€”standard deviation.