Research Article

Temporal Aspects of Surface Water Quality Variation Using Robust Statistical Tools

Table 5

Estimates of coefficient of the model (dry season) of parameters in mg/L except for temperature, conductivity, and pH.

Beta unstandardized coefficientStd. errorBeta standardized coefficient 𝑡 -value 𝑃 value

NH3 −1.529 0.292 −0.184 −5.244 0.000
Temperature 0.629 0.175 0.079 3.595 0.001
pH −1.266 0.492 −0.050 −2.571 0.012
Conductivity 0 0 −0.052 −2.491 0.015

𝑅 = 0.988; 𝑅 2 = 0.976; Adj. 𝑅 2 = 0.973.