Research Article

Antioxidant Action of Mangrove Polyphenols against Gastric Damage Induced by Absolute Ethanol and Ischemia-Reperfusion in the Rat

Table 3

Effect of RM on the antioxidant compounds and enzymes in ischemia-reperfusion-induced gastric ulcer in rats.

TreatmentsDose (mg kg−1)GSH (nmol mg of protein−1)SOD (U mg of protein−1)

Saline10 (mL kg−1)13.39 ± 1.92310.61 ± 0.304
Sham23.26 ± 0.802**13.42 ± 1.987
Lansoprazole3018. 91 ± 2.03625.14 ± 2.363***
RM0.520.93 ± 1.535*18.48 ± 1.882*

TreatmentsDose (mg kg−1)GPx (nmol min−1 mg of protein)GR (nmol min−1 mg of protein−1)

Saline10 (mL kg−1)13.58 ± 1.01118.00 ± 1.015
Sham15.60 ± 1.61218.44 ± 0.888
Lansoprazole3013.47 ± 0.96718.94 ± 0.705
RM0.521.96 ± 1.917**26.86 ± 2.341**

TreatmentsDose (mg kg−1)LPO (nmol TBARS−1 mg of protein−1)MPO (U mg of protein−1)

Saline10 (mL kg−1)2.43 ± 0.1112.43 ± 0.127
Sham1.77 ± 0.117*1.25 ± 0.168***
Lansoprazole302.23 ± 0.1762.21 ± 0.079
RM0.51.758 ± 0.141*1.86 ± 0.128*

The results are expressed as mean ± s.e.m. ( 𝑛 = 8 ), statistical significance was determined by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett’s post hoc t test, ( 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 *, 𝑃 < 0 . 0 1 **, and 𝑃 < 0 . 0 0 1 ***).