Clinical Study

Grade 2 Spondylolisthesis at L4-5 Treated by XLIF: Safety and Midterm Results in the “Worst Case Scenario”

Table 4

Breakdown of spondylolisthesis reduction and 12-month pain (VAS) by demographic and treatment variables.

Grouping variable ( )Slip reduction from preoperative (%)12-month VAS (mm)
NoYes NoYes

Gender (female/male)67% (53)75% (10)0.2282.2 (48)2.1 (10)0.933
Obese68% (36)68% (27)0.9252.1 (24)2.2 (34)0.840
Smoke68% (47)67% (16)0.8622.1 (44)2.2 (14)0.915
Diabetes mellitus69% (54)62% (9)0.3452.1 (50)2.4 (8)0.677
Coronary artery disease68% (39)68% (24)0.9341.9 (34)2.5 (24)0.249
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease69% (60)56% (3)0.2732.2 (55)2.3 (3)0.856
Steroid use67% (54)76% (9)0.1492.1 (49)2.2 (9)0.916
Cancer68% (56)70% (7)0.7142.2 (52)2.0 (6)0.760
Prior surgery69% (45)66% (18)0.6802.1 (43)2.3 (15)0.800
Levels treated (1 or 2)67% (49)71% (11)0.6372.1 (44)2.6 (11)0.508
Unilateral versus bilateral fixation (uni/bi)68% (53)70% (8)0.7992.3 (49)1.7 (7)0.445
Satisfaction 49% (6)70% (50)0.0115.7 (6)1.7 (45)0.016
Redo43% (4)70% (52)0.0085.3 (4)1.8 (47)0.041

VAS: visual analog scale, mm: millimeters, uni: unilateral, and bi: bilateral.