Clinical Study

Enhanced Morbidity of Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap Used for Salvage after Previously Failed Oncological Treatment and Unsuccessful Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery

Figure 1

(a) Defect resulting from a circular laryngopharyngectomy for a stage IV squamous cell carcinoma in a patient previously treated with surgery and radiation therapy from an oropharynx cancer (BT: base of tongue; CCA: common carotid artery). (b) Pectoralis major myocutaneous flap (PMMF) being sutured over the pre-vertebral fascia, creating the neo-hypopharynx. (c) PMMF in place after the end of the sutures. (d) Deltopectoral flap (DF) rebuilding the neck skin and covering the PMMF (the arrow shows the chest scar from the contralateral PMMF used in the reconstruction of the defect secondary to the surgical treatment of the first primary tumor of the patient).