Research Article

Applying Fuzzy Logic to Comparative Distribution Modelling: A Case Study with Two Sympatric Amphibians

Table 2

Number of analysed presences and absences and measures of the overall similarity between the predictions produced by modelling combined species distribution data and by fuzzy logic operations between individual species models. For model abbreviations, please see Section 2. Spearman's correlations (with Dutilleul’s correction for spatial autocorrelation) were all highly significant ( 𝑃 < 0 . 0 0 1 ).

Model comparison 𝑁 events 𝑁 noneventsSpearman’s correlationFuzzy numerical comparison

C1 versus C2 (favourability for presence of both)241230520.8730.830
D1 versus D2 (favourability for presence of any)427311910.8400.855
E1 versus E2 (favourability for B. bufo instead of E. calamita)11427190.7880.724
F1 versus F2 (favourability for E. calamita instead of B. bufo)71911420.8610.676