Clinical Study

Auditing Clinical Outcomes after Introducing Off-Licence Prescribing of Atypical Antipsychotic Melperone for Patients with Treatment Refractory Schizophrenia

Table 1

Guidelines and requirements for the use of Melperone as defined within ELFT medicines committee policy.

Melperone should be prescribed by a consultant psychiatrist.
The patient’s consent for use of an unlicensed drug must be sought and clearly documented in their medical notes.
The drug is considered for those with treatment-resistant schizophrenia who have not responded to, or cannot tolerate Clozapine.
Start at 25 mg nocte and increase according to tolerability. In nonrefractory illness, 100–300 mg/day may be effective. Higher doses in refractory illness.
Full blood count, ECG, and blood pressure prior to commencement.
Melperone should not be used in conjunction with another antipsychotic.
Melperone initiation form must be completed to allow monitoring and audit of patients.
Baseline and subsequent BPRS to allow formal assessments of mental state.
Prescribing continued by secondary care services.