Review Article

Molecular Mechanisms and Function Prediction of Long Noncoding RNA

Table 1

Machine-learning methods for identifying lncRNAs.


Peptide length
Amino acid composition
CONCSecondary structure contentSVM[18]
Percentage of residues exposed to solvent
Sequence compositional entropy
Number of homologs obtained by PSI-BLAST
Alignment entropy

ORF prediction quality
CPCNumber of homologs obtained by BLASTXSVM[19, 20]
Alignment quality
Segment distribution

Lu et al.RNA-seq experiments
Tilling arrays
poly-A + RNA-seq experiments
poly-A + tilling arrays
GC content
DNA conservation
Predicted protein sequence conservation
Predicted secondary structure free energy
Predicted secondary structure conservation
Naïve Bayes
Bayes Net
Decision Tree
Random Forest
Logistic Regression