Research Article

Benchmarking Strategies for Measuring the Quality of Healthcare: Problems and Prospects

Table 1

Item Analysis: missing values, percentage of patients satisfied, and item-component correlation ( 𝑛 = 4 6 , 0 9 6 ).

Missing% SatisfiedY1Y2Y3
Item descriptionvalues(scores 6+7)ClinSATGenSATWaitLists

Nurses’ courtesy, attention, availability37088.5%0.700.040.09
Doctors’ courtesy, attention, availability60689.4%0.830.190.08
Satisfaction of the care provided130989.3%0.810.060.07
Health status (and discharge) information60985.1%0.790.060.05
Privacy and consent information63588.6%0.720.11−0.05
Comfort, bed, food, cleanliness215083.6%0.120.780.11
Organisation of the process of the care62781.6%0.110.780.02
Recommend hospital (friends or relatives)134685.2%0.120.73−0.03
Overall satisfaction70485.3%0.050.720.01
Waiting time to be admitted to the hospital141775.7%0.01−0.020.99