Research Article

Monitoring Resistance to Spinosad in the Melon Fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae) in Hawaii and Taiwan

Table 1

Collections by location and global positioning data of wild Bactrocera cucurbitae populations tested for insecticide susceptibility in Hawaii and Taiwan.

Location1Latitude (N)Longitude (W)LocationLatitude (N)Longitude (E)

Kunia (Oahu)21°41′158°04′Jhubei (Hsinchu)24°50′129°59′
Kahuku (Oahu)21°40′157°57′Puli (Nantou)23°59′120°57′
Ewa (Oahu)21°20′158°02′Erhshui (Changhwa)23°48′120°37′
Puna (Hawaii)19°42′154°91′Linnei (Yunlin)23°45′120°36′
Dashe (Kaohsiung)22°44′120°21′
Jiouru (Pintung)22°44′120°28′

1Date and host plant of the collections are as follows:
Kunia: 16-VIII-08, cucumber; Kahuku: 12-VIII-08, cucumber; Ewa: 22-VII-08, zucchini; Puna: 22-VIII-08, papaya.
Jhubei: 28-VIII-07, bitter gourd; Puli: 07-IX-07, sponge gourd; Erhshui: 14-IX-07, bitter gourd; Linnei: 22-VII-07, sponge gourd; Dashe: 09-VIII-07, sponge gourd; Jiouru: 21-IX-07, sponge gourd.