Research Article

Geographical Gradients in Argentinean Terrestrial Mammal Species Richness and Their Environmental Correlates

Table 6

A: Partial correlation coefficients between SR and the geographical trends (Latitude and NNE-SSW axis) controlling for spatial variables (SF1, SF3, SF4). B: Partial correlation coefficients between SR and the spatial variables (SF1, SF3, SF4) controlling for the geographical variables (Latitude and NNE-SSW axis). Nonsignificant (n.s.) coefficients indicate that the trend displayed by SR is due to the controlled variable (* , ** ).


= −0.471* = 0.329 n.s.
= −0.452* = 0.353 n.s.
= −0.575** = 0.427*
= −00586** = −0.139 n.s.
= −0.467* = 0.472*
= −0.532* = 0.667**
= −0.235 n.s. = 0.434*
= −0.168 n.s. = 0.469*
= −0.751** = 0.747**
= −0.618** = 0.457*
= −0.627** = −0.226 n.s.
= −0.225 n.s. = 0.550**
= −0.331 n.s. = 0.696**