Review Article

General Analytical Schemes for the Characterization of Pectin-Based Edible Gelled Systems

Table 1

An overview of the common, advanced, and conceptual analytical schemes discussed in this study for the characterization of pectin-based edible gel systems.

Common analytical schemesCommon measured parameters

PhysicochemicalTotal soluble solids, pH, turbidity, syneresis

ObservationalTurbidity, syneresis, consistency as an indicator of proper heating duration for gel preparation, gel time or gel point, and so forth

Textural (rheological)Large deformation (texture profile) analysis for the evaluation of hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, springiness and gumminess, and so forth
Small deformation (oscillatory) tests for the evaluation of storage modulus, loss modulus, phase angle, loss tangent, complex modulus, complex dynamic viscosity, gel point or gel time and temperature, and so forth

MicrostructuralHomogeneousness, formation of clusters or aggregates, structural type of mixed gels, particle size characteristics, arrangements and interactions, and so forth

PsychorheologicalRelationships between sensory properties such as thickness, sweetness, creaminess, and rheological parameters

Advanced and conceptual schemesThree-dimensional trails (3DTs) including the evaluation and correlation of (micro)structure, texture and taste based on the triangular relations of microstructural, rheological, and sensory analyses
Multidimensional trails (MDTs), which include the improved version of 3DTs that would be a combination of several analytical schemes to evaluate various parameters of pectin-based systems