Research Article

Alveolar Overdistension as a Cause of Lung Injury: Differences among Three Animal Species

Table 3

Area of alveolar collapse in morphometric analysis.

Pig groupsRat groups

AAC, totala, c 4 3 . 1 ± 1 0 . 5 5 4 . 3 1 ± 8 . 4 3 8 . 5 ± 1 0 . 2 2 6 . 8 ± 4 . 9
AAC in upper lobesb 3 4 . 5 ± 7 . 2 4 6 . 3 ± 4 . 8
AAC in medium lobes 4 5 . 8 ± 1 0 . 9 5 6 . 4 ± 8 . 6
AAC in lower lobesb 4 8 . 8 ± 7 . 7 6 0 . 1 ± 3 . 8

Values are percentages, mean ± SD. P-NtV: pigs with normal tidal volume; P-HtV: pigs with high tidal volume; Rat-NtV: rats with normal tidal volume; Rat-HtV: rats with high tidal volume; AAC: area of alveolar collapse.
a 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 between pig and rat groups.
b 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 between P-NtV and P-HtV groups.
c 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 between Rat-NtV and Rat-HtV groups.