Research Article

Pharmacokinetic Delivery and Metabolizing Rate of Nicardipine Incorporated in Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Cyclodextrins Using Two-Compartment Mathematical Model

Algorithm 1

> restart;
Use for the varible1: 2ln(2), ln(2)/4, ln(2)/2.2 and for the varible2: ln(2)/1.6, ln(2)/5.49, ln(2)/7.38:
> a:=variable1;b:=variable2;
Specify either 6- or 24-hour drug dosage cycle by using the “signum” Maple command to sign function for (1) and (2):
> Dose1:=t->sum((signum(t-n*6)-signum(t-(n*6+0.5)),n=0..10);
> Dose1:=t->sum((signum(t-n*24)-signum(t-(n*24+0.5)),n=0..10);
Plot the dosage profiles for these variables:
> plot(Dose1(t),t=0..20);
> with(plots):
Use differential equations toolbox “ DEtools ” in Maple:
> with(DEtools):
Use for the varible3: Dose1(t)/12, Dose1(t)/12, and Dose1(t)/32; calculate and plot the concentration
profiles using (1) and (2):
> J:=DEplot({diff(x(t),t)=variable3-a*x(t),diff(y(t),t)=a*x(t)-b*y(t)},{x(t),y(t)},t=0..50,
> K:=DEplot({diff(x(t),t)=variable3-a*x(t),diff(y(t),t)=a*x(t)-b*y(t)},{x(t),y(t)},t=0..50,
> plots[display]({J,K},labels=["Time(hrs)",
> phaseportrait([diff(x(t),t)=(1/12)*varible4-a*x(t),diff(y(t),t)=a*x(t)-b*y(t)],[x(t),y(t)],
t=0..50, 0,0,0]},stepsize=.5,labels=["x(t)","y(t)"]);
To determine the concentrations for analyzed substances, we calculated the phase-plane plot
using the following code in the Maple package (Figures 2(a)2(c)):
> phaseportrait([diff(x(t),t)= variable4-a*x(t),diff(y(t),t)=a*x(t)-b*y(t)],[x(t),y(t)],t=0..50,