Research Article

Attribute Index and Uniform Design Based Multiobjective Association Rule Mining with Evolutionary Algorithm

Pseudocode 6

Pseudocode of the selection scheme for crossover operation.
population seleforcross(pop, , , )
Input: pop indicates the population; indicates the probability of
       crossover; indicates the number of the objective function;
       indicates the number of the wanted weight vectors.
Output: A indicates the randomly select chromosomes; B indicates the
     chromosomes selected by the uniform design.
A Φ; B ;
for   chrom pop
   generate a random;
  if   <
   A A chrom;
  end if
end for
  A take out from A;
  A A   {randomly select chromosomes}
end if
apply the uniform design to select weight vectors;
     single objective weight vectors};
for     wv w
  FitnV ;
  fitness generate fitness functions;
  for   chrom pop
   FitnV FitnV fitness(chrom);
  end for
  B     B max(FitnV);
end for
return  A, B;