Research Article

Evaluation of Genotoxic Effects of New Molecules with Possible Trypanocidal Activity for Chagas Disease Treatment

Table 3

Megazol induction of mutagenicity and cytotoxicity in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium standard strains, without (−S9) and with (+S9) metabolic activation.

StrainsDose ( g/mL)−S9+S9
Mean ± S.D. (M.I.a)SurvivalbMean ± S.D. (M.I.a)Survivalb

TA97049 ± 19 (1.00)100123 ± 26 (1.00)100
0.05 90 ± 10 (1.80)100176 ± 18 (1.40)100
0.1116 ± 7 (2.30*)100168 ± 7 (1.30)100
0.2142 ± 20 (2.80*)100273 ± 11 (2.20*)100
0.5165 ± 25 (3.30*)100408 ± 7 (3.30*)80
1.0266 ± 31 (5.40*)100548 ± 111 (4.40*)80

TA98027 ± 4 (1.00)10040 ± 4 (1.00)100
0.05 38 ± 11 (1.30)9233 ± 1 (0.80)100
0.149 ± 5 (1.80)9739 ± 7 (0.90)100
0.281 ± 2 (2.90*)10041 ± 14 (1.00)70
0.5211 ± 22 (7.70*)9387 ± 2 (2.10*)75
1.0356 ± 35 (13.0*)57116 ± 14 (2.80*)77

TA1000129 ± 12 (1.00)100171 ± 1 (1.00)100
0.05 228 ± 13 (1.70)72324 ± 47 (1.80)100
0.1366 ± 59 (2.80*)98569 ± 58 (3.30*)100
0.2739 ± 29 (5.70*)70691 ± 106 (4.00*)100
0.51302 ± 247 (10.0*)801203 ± 190 (7.00*)100
1.02109 ± 476 (16.0*)572041 ± 319 (11.0*)50

TA1020197 ± 88 (1.00)100193 ± 77 (1.00)100
0.05 280 ± 4 (1.40)100408 ± 24 (2.10*)100
0.1289 ± 45 (1.40)100459 ± 50 (2.30*)100
0.2185 ± 80 (0.90)100594 ± 8.0 (3.00*)100
0.5347 ± 38 (1.70)100680 ± 60 (3.50*)100
1.0313 ± 37 (1.70)100666 ± 27 (3.40*)100

Mutagenic index (M.I.): ratio of the his + induced with samples/spontaneous his + in the negative control. S.D.: standard deviation. Positive responses marked in bold when M.I. ≥ 2.
bPercent of cellular survival: <70% was considered toxic dose and it is marked in bold.
*Representation of a significant response ( ).
Negative control was DMSO. Positive controls and their M.I., with and without S9 mix, respectively, were 4NQO (10) and 2AA (6.0) for TA97, 4NQO (15) and 2AA (10) for TA98, AS (16) and 2AA (11) for TA100, and MitC (8.7 and 4.3) for TA102.